Sunday 17 May 2009

Santa Rita Celebrations 2009

The celebration that Cascia dedicates to St. Rita is very articulated because it is made of moments of celebration, spaces for thought and prayer according to a liturgy born almost three hundred years ago. In the name of the Saint, in accordance with the message of peace she has left in the heart of everyone, people from everywhere reaches Cascia to remember this humble woman standing for her faith and determined to promote ideals of peace. A confirmation of the authentic willing of fellowship expressed by all the citizens is in the fact that each year an agreement of sister city is signed with a different European country. From the sister city, a week before the celebration, leaves a torch of athletes representing the city. After hundreds of kilometres and with very long relays, the torch is given to the Mayor on the evening of May 21st in front of the Basilica of Saint Rita. The host Mayor, then, in front of all the pilgrims, switches on the flame of a monumental tripod smbol of the alliance and fellowship between the people. They start with a torchlit procession - which commemorates the Saint's death: thousands of small oil-lamps on buildings and in meadows along the valley of the River Corno are lit at sunset. The following morning a procession sets out from Roccaporena, the birthplace of St Rita, and joins a historical procession at Cascia, which recalls important episodes in the Saint's life. This procession has its origin in the pilgrimages undertaken to pay homage to St Rita.

La festa che Cascia dedica a S.Rita è molto articolata perché composta di momenti celebrativi, spazi di riflessione e preghiera secondo una liturgia nata quasi trecento anni fa. Per i 15 giovedì antecedenti la festa del 22 maggio, si svolgono in diverse ore della giornata, incontri di fede in preparazione della festa. Nel nome della Santa, aderendo al messaggio di pacificazione che ha lasciato nel cuore di ognuno, durante le Celebrazioni Ritiane genti da ogni dove raggiungono Cascia per ricordare quest'umile donna, inamovibile nella sua fede e determinata nel porre ideali di pace. A conferma dell'autentica esigenza di fratellanza espressa da tutti i cittadini, ogni anno viene stretto un gemellaggio con un diverso paese Europeo. Dal comune gemellato, una settimana prima della festa, parte una fiaccola di atleti rappresentanti la città. Dopo centinaia di chilometri e con lunghissime staffette, la fiaccola viene consegnata al Sindaco la sera del 21 maggio di fronte alla Basilica di Santa Rita. Il Sindaco, allora, alla presenza di tutti i pellegrini, accende la fiamma di un monumentale tripode che simboleggia l'alleanza e la fratellanza duratura tra i popoli. Le Celebrazioni Ritiane iniziano con una fiaccolata, che ricorda la morte della santa: al calar del sole vengono accesi migliaia di lumi posti sugli edifici, nelle strade e sui prati lungo la valle del fiume Corno. La mattina successiva da Roccaporena, paese natale di Santa Rita, parte una processione che si unisce a Cascia con un corteo storico, che ricorda episodi della vita della Santa. Il corteo ha origine dai pellegrinaggi che un tempo la popolazione locale faceva per rendere omaggio a Santa Rita.

Periodo Dal 21 Maggio 2009 al 22 Maggio 2009
Piazza Aldo Moro

Thursday 23 April 2009

Prayers to Saint Rita

My Consoler

Weighed down by sorrow I offer up my prayer to thee
dear Saint Rita, thou who art called the Saint of the Impossible, confident in thy aid. free I beset it and restore lost peace to my troubled soul.

Thou who wast appointed by god to act and advocate to those indespair, grant me the favour that I so fervently ask of thee (Here ask the favour you wish to obtain).

How is it possible that I alone should not enjoy the efficacy of thy powerful patronage? If my sins stand in the way of my prayer being heard, intercede, I pray thee with God that I may be granted redemption and forgiveness through sincere confession.
Do not let me shed further bitter tears.

Lord reward my great faith in thee, and everywhere i shall praise thy mercies to those in distress. Hallowed bride of the cross, who was bequeathed and weareth on thy forehead one of its most painful thorns, aid me to live and to die well.

Three Our father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Glorious Saint Rita thou who miraculously shared in the painful passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain that I may bear the sorrows of this life with resignation and protect me in all my needs.

(Those wishing to offer this as a NOVENA should repeat this for 9 days running)

Prayer to Saint Rita

Saint Rita, come to my aid!
Faithful, loving wife and mother,

Humble, prayerful widow and nun,
Because of my need, answer my call.

Saint Rita, come to my aid!
Beautiful rose born
from the Savior's thorns,
Lead me far from anger and hate;
Guide my heart on peaceful paths with charity to all.

Saint Rita, come to my aid!
Helper, healer, holy friend
Hear my petition (make your request).
To Christ take this prayer,
For He is my Lord, my God, my All,
My hope in despair,
My strength when afraid.
Saint Rita, come to my aid!
Saint Rita, answer my call. Amen.

Novena to Saint Rita

O Holy Patroness of those in need, Saint Rita, whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for thy lavishness in granting favors hast been called the Advocate of the Hopeless and even of the Impossible;

Saint Rita, so humble, so pure, so mo
rtified, so patient and of such compassionate love for thy Crucified Jesus that thou couldst obtain from Him whatsoever thou askest, on account of which all confidently have recourse to thee, expecting, if not alwavs relief, at least comfort; be propitious to our petition, showing thy power with God on behalf of thy suppliant; be lavish to us, as thou hast been in so many wonderful cases, for the greater glory of God, for the spreading of thine own devotion, and for the consolation of those who trust in thee.

I promise, if our petition is granted, to glorify, thee by making known thy favor, to bless and sing thy praises forever. Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

I pray: (here mention your request).
Obtain for us our request

By the singular merits of thy childhood,
Bv thy perfect union with the Divine Will,
By thy heroic sufferings during thy married life,
By the consolation thou didst experience at the conversion of thy husband,
By the sacrifice of thy children rather than see them grievously offend God,
By thy miraculous entrance into the convent,

By thy severe penances and thrice daily bloody scourgings,
By the suffering caused by the wound thou didst receive from the thorn of thy Crucified Savior,
By the divine love which consumed thy heart,
By that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, on which alone thou didst exist for 4 years,
By the happiness with which thou didst part from thy trials to join thy Divine Spouse,
By the perfect example thou gavest to people of every state of life.
Pray for us, 0 holy Saint Rita,
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, Who in Thine infinite tenderness hast vouchsafed to regard the prayer of Thy servant, Blessed Rita, and dost grant to her supplication that which is impossible to human foresight, skill and efforts, in reward of her compassionate love and firm reliance on Thy promise, have pity on our adversity and succor us in our calamities, that the unbeliever may know Thou art the recompense of the humble, the defense of the helpless, and the strength of those who trust in Thee, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Special Need Prayer to Saint Rita

O powerful Saint Rita,

rightly called Saint of the Impossible,
I come to you with confidence in my great need.
You know well my trials,
for you yourself were many times burdened in this life.
Come to my help,
speak for me,
pray with me,
intercede on my behalf before the Father.
I know that God has a most generous heart
and that he is a most loving Father.
Join your prayers to mine
and obtain for me the grace I desire

(Make your request...)

You who were so very pleasing to God on earth
and are so much so now in heaven,
I promise to use this favor, when granted,
to better my life,
to proclaim God's mercy,
and to make you more widely known and loved.


Prayers to Saint Expeditus

Here are some prayers, just call out to Saint Expeditus, to get his attention, and ask for what you need. Be sure to offer something in return for his efforts. Most importantly make sure you live up to your end of the bargain, with no regrets or complaints (there is nothing worse than a sore winner). If things did not go as anticipated than either you did
not make yourself clear or you did not think your needs through. You can’t expect Saint Expedite to tailor everything to wishes he had no knowledge of. Always offer him a reward for helping you.

For a financial crisis...

Here is a prayer for your money emergency. The traditional way to petition Saint Expeditus is to take a white and a green candle; carve your name on them lengthwise. Light the candles and continue lighting the candles and praying to him until you receive his answer. Have faith and do not doubt his power or willingness to help you.

Pray to Saint Expeditus

I call forth the Power and the presence of Saint Expeditus in my time of financial trouble. I offer my body, heart, mind and soul upon your altar of light. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance.

Bring to me...(Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

My financial need is urgent. Be my Light and Guide in this situation so that I may live with peace, love, prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.
(Now promise to give Saint Expeditus a specific offering If your desire is granted.)

House and home...

Pray to Saint Expeditus

I come before you, Saint Expeditus,
To remedy economic problems in my work and my home.
And to ask for your powerful support.
Saint Expedite, protect my income,
That I may obtain sufficient money for necessities,
And tranquillity and joy will reign in my house.
By your grace, Blessed Saint,
I request and pray that I will achieve my desire.
(Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)
And I will give thanks for your glorious intercession.
(Now promise to give Saint Expeditus a specific offering If your desire is granted.)
(Be sure to provide the offering you promised if Saint Expeditus grants your petition.)

When you are in urgent need...

Pray to Saint Expeditus

Our dear martyr and protector, Saint Expeditus,
You who know what is necessary and what is urgently needed.
I beg you to intercede before the Holy Trinity, that by your grace
my request will be granted.
(Clearly express what you want, and ask him tofind a way to get it to you.)
May I receive your blessings and favors.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

If Saint Expeditus grants your request, place fresh flowers beside his statue in your home or in the church. Also place an ad in the newspaper thanking Saint Expeditus, so that his name and fame will grow.

For quick action...

Pray to Saint Expeditus

Saint Expeditus,
Noble Roman youth, martyr,
You who quickly brings things to pass,
You who never delays, I come to you in need:
(Clearly express what you want and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)
Do this for me, Saint Expeditus, and when it is accomplished, I will as rapidly reply with an offering to you.
(State your vow or promise)
Be quick, Saint Expeditus!
Grant my wish before your candle burns out, and I will glorify your name.

As you say this prayer, light a glass encased Saint Expeditus candle (with the saint's picture on it) next to a glass of water. Recite the prayer once a day for as long as the candle burns (usually several days) and when your request is granted, pour the water from the water glass into the empty glass container that held the candle. Place some fresh cut flowers in the candle glass, use it like a vase. You may also offer a slice of pound cake. Then place an ad in the newspaper thanking Saint Expeditus, to spread his fame.

To end procrastination...

Pray to Saint Expeditus

Saint Expedite witness of Faith to the point of martyrdom, in exercise of Good, you make tomorrow today. You live in the fast time of the last minute, always projecting yourself toward the future. Expedite and give strength to the heart of the man who doesn't look back and who doesn't postpone.

For desperate causes...

Pray to Saint Expeditus

My Saint Expeditus of urgent and just causes, please intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Succour me in this hour of affliction and despair, my Saint Expeditus. You who are a Holy warrior, You who are the Saint of the afflicted, You who are the Saint of the desperate, you who are the Saint of urgent causes, Protect me, Help me, Give me Strength, Courage and Serenity.

Hear my plea...(Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)

My Saint Expeditus, help me to prevail through these difficult hours, protect me from all those who want to harm me, respond to my plea with urgency. Bring me back to the state of peace and tranquillity, my Saint Expeditus. I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life and I will speak your name to all those who have faith.
(Now promise to give Saint Expeditus a specific offering when your desire is granted.)
(Say one Our Father, one Holy Mary, and make the sign of the cross.)

(Be sure to provide the offering you promised if Saint Expedite grants your petition)

For intercession and protection...

Three Short Prayers to Saint Expeditus

May the intercession of the glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, recommend us, O my God, to Thy goodness, in order that his protection may obtain for us what our own merits are powerless to do.


We supplicate Thee Lord, to inspire, by Thy grace all our thoughts and actions. That thou being their principle, we may by the intercession of Saint Expeditus, be conducted with courage, fidelity and promptitude, at the time proper and favourable, and come to a good and happy end, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Saint Expeditus honoured by the gratitude of those who have invoked thee at the last hour and for pressing cases. We pray thee to obtain from the all-powerful goodness of God, by the intercession of Mary Immaculate, today, or such a day the grace we solicit with all submission to the Divine Will.


Novena to Saint Expeditus
Advocate in Urgent Cases

As much as possible, recite this Novena before the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Saint Expeditus suffered a lot during the time of Diocletion. He is holding a cross in which is inscribed "Hodie" (Today) while he is stepping on a crow which is crying "Cras" (Tomorrow) in order to remind us not to doubt even for a single moment the great mercy of God, and not to postpone for tomorrow the devout and trusting prayer but to call on him always as our advocate by the side of our Blessed Virgin.

Act of Contrition

My Lord Jesus Christ, Father of endless charity, I am heartily sorry for my sins. Grant me, therefore, pardon of my sins and the grace I ask of You thru the merits of the sorrows of your loving Mother and the virtues of Your martyr, Saint Expedite.

Prayer to Saint Expeditus for Each Day

Oh Saint Expeditus, my protector, in you I place my hope that my petitions may be granted if they are for my own good. Please ask Our Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, for the forgiveness of my sins, and the grace to change my life, particularly the grace
(mention here the particular grace desired) and I promise to follow your examples and will propagate this devotion to you.


O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the lively faith which was granted you by God, I ask you to awaken the same faith in my heart, that I may also believe wholeheartedly that there is God, but most particularly that I may be saved from sinning against Him.

Three Our Fathers in honour of the Most Holy Trinity then the concluding prayer.

Concluding Prayer for Each Day

Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my words but graciously hear and grant my prayer.

One Hail Mary in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expedius, through the eviable hope given to you by God, pray that those of little belief may be penetrated by some rays of hope so that they also receive eternal things; please pray that ardent hope in God be also given to me and hold me steadfast in the midst of sufferings.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the endless love which Our Lord planted in your heart, please remove from mine all the shackles tied by worldliness, that without them I may love only God in all eternity. Amen.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, who knew fully well the teaching of the Divine Teacher to carry the cross and follow Him, ask Him for the graces I need that I may fight my own passions.
Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the bountiful graces you received from Heaven that you may conserve all your virtues, grant also that I may get rid of all the feelings that block my way to Heaven.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr Saint Expeditus, through the sufferings and humiliations which you received for the love of God, grant me also this grace which is very pleasing to God, and free me from anger and hardness of heart which is the stumbling block of my soul.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, you know that prayer is the golden key that will open the Kingdom of Heaven, teach me to pray in a manner which is desirable to Our Lord and to His Heart, that I may live only for Him, that I may die only for Him, and that I may pray only to Him in all eternity.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, through the clean desire that reigned in all your feelings, word and actions, please let them guide me also in my endless search for the glory of God and the good of my fellow men.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.


My Lord Jesus Christ ...
O Glorious Martyr, Saint Expeditus, who was so much loved by the Queen of Heaven, that to you nothing was denied, ask her, please my advocate, that through the sufferings of her Divine Son and her own sorrows, I may receive this day the grace I ask of you; but above all the grace to die first before I commit any mortal sin.

Three Our Fathers then the concluding prayer.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Saint Rita


* 1381 at Roccaparena, Umbria, Italy


* 22 May 1457 at the Augustinian convent at Cascia, Italy of tuberculosis


* 1 October 1627 by Pope Urban VIII


* 24 May 1900 by Pope Leo XIII


* abuse victims
* against infertility
* against loneliness
* against sickness
* against sterility
* against wounds
* bodily ills
* Cascia, Italy
* Dalayap, Philippines
* desperate causes
* difficult marriages
* forgotten causes
* Igbaras, Iloilo, Philippines
* impossible causes
* lost causes
* parenthood
* sick people
* sterile people
* victims of physical spouse abuse
* widows
* wounded people


* nun holding a crown of thorns
* nun holding roses
* nun holding roses and figs
* nun with a wound on her forehead

Also known as

* Margarita of Cascia
* Rita La Abogada de Imposibles
* Saint of the Impossible

Margherita Lotti Mancini was born at Roccaporena near Cascia, Umbria. The name is the Italian version of the name "Margaret."

Rita was married at age 18 to Paolo Mancini. Her parents arranged her marriage, despite the fact that Rita repeatedly begged them to allow her to enter a convent. Paolo was a rich, quick-tempered, brutal, dissolute and uncontrolled man who made enemies in the region. Rita endured his insults, abuses and infidelities for eighteen years, and watched as her two sons grow up to be like their father.

Paolo was set upon and killed one night. He was violently stabbed many times. He is said to have repented to the Church and Rita toward the end of his life, and Rita forgave him for his transgressions against her. While Rita continued to care for her sons, it became clear as they grew up they were intent upon exacting revenge for the death of their father. Rita sought to persuade them otherwise, telling them such a killing would be murder. She also prayed they would not carry out their plans.

James and Paul died of natural causes within the year, begging forgiveness of their mother. With her husband and sons gone, Rita wanted to enter the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene
at Cascia but was spurned for being a widow; virginity was a requirement for entry into that particular convent. She persisted several times, though, and was finally given a condition to enter: to reconcile her family with her husband's murderers. Rita worked hard to obtain this goal, and after both clans were reconciled when she was 36 years old, Rita was allowed to enter the monastery. It is also said that, while the sisters slept and despite locked doors, Rita was miraculously went into the convent by her patron saints John the Baptist, Augustine of Hippo and Nicholas of Tolentino.

When she was found in the morning and the sisters learned how she had gotten into the convent, they could not turn her away. While she was there, it is said that a thorn detached itself from Christ's crown of thorns and set itself in her forehead - hence the representation of a head wound in her appearance. She remained at the monastery, living by the Augustinian Rule, until her death in 1457. She was beatified by Urban VIII in 1627, to whose private secretary Fausto Cardinal Poli, born less than ten miles from her birthplace, much of the impetus behind her cult is due; she was canonized on May 24, 1900 by Pope Leo XIII. Her feast day is May 22.

The symbol most often associated with Rita is the rose. One of the stories surrounding Rita
and roses is that Rita would regularly bring food to the poor, which her husband prohibited her from doing. One day, her husband confronted her as she was leaving to bring bread to the poor.

The bread was concealed in Rita's robes; when she uncovered the bread as her husband demanded,the bread became roses and Rita was spared her husband's wrath. This story is also associated with St. Elisabeth of Hungary. At the end of her life, when Rita was bedridden in the convent, a friend from her home town visited her. The friend asked if there was anything Rita wanted from her old home.

Rita replied that she would like a rose from the garden. It was January, and although the friend did not expect to find anything in the garden, she went to the house and found one rose blooming. She brought the rose back to Rita at the convent. The rose is thought to represent God's love for Rita and Rita's ability to intercede on behalf of lost causes or impossible cases. Rita is often depicted holding roses or with roses nearby. On her feast day, churches and shrines of St. Rita provide roses to the congregation that are blessed by priests during mass.

In the parish church of Laarne, near Ghent, there is a statue of Saint Rita in which several bees feature. This seems to arise from the story that, on the day after her baptism, a swarm of white bees was seen around the baby as she was asleep in her crib. They peacefully went in and out of her mouth, not injuring her in any way. Her family seems to have been mystified rather than alarmed. Later, and in retrospect, the bees were seen as representing her subsequent beatification by Pope Urban VIII.

A large sanctuary of Saint Rita was built in the early 20th century in Cascia; it and the house in which she was born are among the most active pilgrimage sites of Umbria. Saint Rita, along with Saint Jude is a patron saint of "Lost Causes". Recently, Rita has been referred to as the patron saint of baseball. In the Walt Disney movie The Rookie, several references are made of St. Rita as the patron saint of "Lost Causes" - the chances of the main character playing Major League Baseball is considered a lost cause.

This has sparked a small movement in baseball circles where Rita of Cascia is considered the patron saint of the sport. Numerous religious medals have been printed with an image of St. Rita on one side and a baseball hitter on the other.

Saint Expeditus

Also known as
Saint Expedite
Saint Expedito
Saint Expédit
Saint Espedito
Saint Espedite
Saint Espedit
Saint Espeditus
Saint Elpidius

19 April

Possibly legendary. Unclear whether his name led to his association with expeditious matters, or the other way around. This association led to his becoming the patron of people who had to deliver things on time.



against procrastination
expeditious solutions
prompt solutions

young Roman soldier holding aloft a cross
young Roman soldier holding aloft a banner with the word "hodie"
Patron Saint of the Republic of Molossia

Expeditus was possibly born in Armenia, at an unknown date. He was a Christian martyr, but not much else is known about him. A Parisian convent received a package from Rome containing a statue and relics of a saint, but they were unsure to whom the Holy Remains belonged. The package in which it came was marked “spedito” or “special delivery,” which in Latin translates to Expeditus. Whether the relics belong to the poor Armenian martyr or the good sisters had just been duped by an ironic play on words will never really be known. The controversial statue now resides in New Orleans, and the saint's name is regularly mentioned with gratitude in the personal column of the local paper, alongside St Jude.

As well as being the patron saint of the Republic of Molossia, St. Expeditus is also the patron of emergencies and solutions. He is traditionally depicted as a Roman soldier, holding a palm leaf in his left hand, and raising a cross with the word "Hodie" (today) on it. His right foot is stepping on a raven, which is speaking the word "Cras" (tomorrow).

St. Expeditus is related to the Voodoo Culture of New Orleans, as a Loa, or Voodoo "saint" invoked for speedy solutions. In addition, St. Expeditus is a cult figure on the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, where blood-red shrines populate the countryside, decorated with candles and, occasionally, underwear.

There is a saint Expeditus recorded in the Roman Martyrology for today included with Hermogenes and Companions (Hermogenes, Caius, Expeditus, Aristonicus, Rufus, and Galata were Armenian martyrs believed to have died at Melitene (Benedictines). ); however, the cultus of Saint Expeditus didn't develop until very late and was probably based on a play of words: expedito means "expeditiously" so this saint is invoked in moments of urgency. Sheppard (1969) claims that the name arose due to a copyist's error when, in the 19th century, a box of relics was sent to nuns in Paris marked `spedito' (sent off) and taken as a name. This story is probably untrue because Expeditus was already invoked in the 18th century in Germany and Sicily in cases of pressing emergency (Attwater, Attwater2, Benedictines, Sheppard).